by: Henry Jenkins / Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Global Frequency and the future of fan communities.
A Critical Forum on Media and Culture
A Critical Forum on Media and Culture
by: Henry Jenkins / Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Global Frequency and the future of fan communities.
Oscar Clips Clips; Audience Insight Dips
by: Mary Beth Haralovich / University of Arizona
The Oscars® telecast missed a chance to educate and inform.
Hegemony on a Hard Drive
by: Robert Schrag / North Carolina State University
Improving the relationship between the creative impulse and the digital environment.
Why Media Scholars Should Write Corporate Histories
by: Frederick Wasser / Brooklyn College
Several trade publications have received notices that last month was the tenth anniversary of the launch of WB and UPN, the fifth and sixth broadcast TV networks, dubbed by the trades in their argot as “weblets.”
Turning Back the Tidycans
by: Michael Curtin / University of Wisconsin-Madison
Most evenings my octogenarian, cigar-chomping, father-in-law likes to crank up the TV to full volume, pour a tall one, and settle into his easy chair where he methodically scans the news and talk channels, riding herd on the world from his perch in coastal Georgia.
Putting the ‘Syn’ into Synergy
by: Eileen R. Meehan / Louisiana State University
I beat the Rugrats to Paris by two years. In December, 1998, I was on an Air France flight from Houston to Paris. Rosy-fingered Eos was rising over Europe and our French flight attendants were distributing breakfasts. In the middle of the tray was a large container of applesauce whose foil cover was emblazoned with the faces of the Rugrats plugging their first movie.
Black Zen Masters in the Dojo of Reality Television
by: L.S.Kim / University of California, Santa Cruz
Typically in reality television, the host is white – famous examples include Jeff Probst in Survivor, Ryan Seacrest in American Idol, and Regis Philbin in Who Wants to be a Millionaire? whose through-the-roof ratings jump-started the reality programming watershed. But in America’s Next Top Model, The Road to Stardom, and Pimp My Ride, the hosts are African American and already stars.
My Own Private TV
by: Erin MacLeod / McGill University
With the “TV on DVD” phenomenon in full effect almost any show you’ve ever loved that’s been either relegated to reruns or sporadic glimpses on various cable channels is available.
“Citizen versus Consumer”: Rethinking Core Concepts
by: Michele Hilmes / University of Wisconsin-Madison
Every so often a core concept emerges in an historical or theoretical field that serves a purpose at the time of its invention but slowly loses its explanatory power…
Murdoch’s Munificence
by: Michael Curtin / University of Wisconsin-Madison
Critics roundly denounce Rupert Murdoch as the most rapacious media baron of the current era, yet few have commented upon the fact that Sir Rupert is also our greatest media philanthropist.
Want to Hear a Scary Story?
by: Eileen R Meehan / Lousiana State University
Behind Van Helsing lurked a scary tale waiting to be told: General Electric’s purchase of Vivendi’s Universal Vivendi Entertainment unit, which made and released Van Helsing.
News Corporation: From the Local to the Global
by: John Sinclair / Victoria University, Melbourne
At the end of last month, October 2004, Rupert Murdoch won shareholder approval to move News Corporation’s domicile and main stock market listing from Australia to the US.