How to contribute

How to Contribute to the Journal: 1) Submit or pitch an article to Over*Flow Flow formally invites contributions to our new space for responses to breaking TV and media news: Over*Flow. This new feature allows time-sensitive, one-off pieces to be published on our homepage alongside our monthly columns. For more information, check out the CFP.  2) Become a columnist To be […]

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The Authenticity of Trump, Emotional Democracy, and the Red Pill
Víctor Navarro-Remesal and Ignacio Bergillos / Centre d’Ensenyament Superior Alberta Giménez

Víctor Navarro-Remesal and Ignacio Bergillos discuss the relation between post-fact politics and “redpillers,” a loosely organized online community of users espousing an awakening to a conspiracy of injustices brought on by “social justice warriors”, radical feminism, and political correctness.

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