Winning Over La La Land: Prestige and Promotional Media Labor
Jesse Balzer / Indiana University

Jeese Balzer examines the Clio Entertainment Awards. As a prize granting institution recognizing promotional labor, The Clios function as one of the few sites where the generally unseen or otherwise taken-for-granted laborers in media promotion ascend, even if only for a moment, to the privileged status (and spaces) of media authorship.

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FLOW 2018: Roundtable Questions – Call for Responses

With the casualization of labor and the instability of the job market, precarity has become an increasingly pressing issue for both the media industries and the academy. Equally precarious is the state of preservation, as the production and circulation of media content outstrips the resources and workforce assigned to preserve it. Woven throughout and between precarity and preservation is praxis, […]

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