Welcome to Flow, Volume 25
Special Issue: FLOW Conference 2018 Recap

Selena Dickey and Kate Cronin / The University of Texas at Austin

Selena Dickey and Kate Cronin, the Managing Editors for Volume 25 of Flow, introduce a special issue intended to make FLOW Conference 2018: Preservation, Praxis, and Precarity not only more accessible to those who were unable to attend but also a springboard for further consideration of these themes in future issues of Flow.

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Flow Conference 2018 Transportation

There are numerous transportation options for getting around the city. Austin’s transportation system, Capital Metro, provides buses throughout the city at reasonable prices and schedules. For more information, visit their website or download the Cap Metro app. There are other ride-sharing options available in Austin. RideAustin is a nonprofit rideshare that allows for round-up donations to local charities and organizations. […]

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