by: Mimi White / Northwestern University
Mimi White explores the differences and similarities between television as an everyday practice in the U.S. and in Finland upon returning from abroad.
Report from Ringside: The Contender Live Finale
by: Mary Beth Haralovich / University of Arizona
A report back from the live Contender finale, which turns out to be a familial arena as much as a fighting one.
by: Megan Mullen / University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Megan Mullen unwraps the ideological twist underneath the nostalgic programming strategies and family oriented programs delivered by AmericanLife TV.
by: Thomas Streeter / University of Vermont
What is exactly wrong with for-profit television industries? Thomas Streeter refocuses the conversation over the dangers of commercialism.
by: Christopher Anderson / Indiana University
The troubling ironies of GE’s “ecoimagination” campaign.
Postfeminism Lost and Found: Tracking the “Runaway Bride”
by: Diane Negra / University of East Anglia
Diane Negra discusses the media coverage of the “runaway bride.”
This Issue on Flow (24 June 2005)
by: Elliot Panek / FLOW Staff
Welcome to Issue 7.
Discovering the Art of Television’s Endings
by: Jane Feuer / University of Pittsburgh
A consideration of the aesthetics of the television season finale.
Flowers Powers: Mars or Venus?
by: John Hartley/ Queensland University of Technology
Is media studies in need of planetary realignment? Or, how learning to appreciate Benny Hill might solve the Fiske/McChesney divide.
by: Jim McGuigan / Loughborough University, UK
Is Austrialian television closer to American or British TV?
Some Good News about the News: 5 Reasons Why ‘Fake’ News is Better than Fox ‘News’
by: Brian Ott / Colorado State University
There is no more destructive, deleterious, and dangerous institution in society today than the mainstream news media.
What Do We Want from TV Studies?
by: Sharon Ross / Columbia College Chicago
On a practical level, how do we as scholars, teachers, and activists manage to address the many facets of TV today? What do we want from TV Studies?