Kids, TV, and the Life of the TV Scholar/Parent
By: Elana Levine / University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Even the bunnies reinforce gender hierarchies: the intellectual and emotional struggle over children’s television.
A Critical Forum on Media and Culture
A Critical Forum on Media and Culture
By: Elana Levine / University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Even the bunnies reinforce gender hierarchies: the intellectual and emotional struggle over children’s television.
By: Thomas Aiello / University of Arkansas
What’s in a “colder tasting” or “better tasting” beer? In this article, Aiello takes on advertising at its “best.”
By: Elliot Panek / Flow Staff
Can a recording stand in for a live performance?
by: Brian L. Ott / Colorado State University
How might academics use David Horowitz’s new book The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America in classrooms?
About Flow’s Special Features
by: Special Feature Editors
Are you interested in contributing to Flow, beyond posting comments? Good news, everyone, we’re always looking for Special Features.
“TV Time” is Now the New “Playtime”
by: Tim Anderson / Denison University
Television downloads and editing software create new possibilities in television consumption.
Religious Tolerance versus Tolerance of Religion: A Critique of the Cartoon Controversy in Jyllands-Posten
by: Shanti Kumar / University of Texas at Austin
Given this diversity of viewpoints in Islam, what prompted the cultural editor of Jyllands-Posten to marginalize the tolerant views of a majority of religious believers in the editorial commentary that, ironically enough, claims to rescue traditions of tolerance from the clutches of “some Muslims” who are intolerant extremists?
by: Megan Mullen, University of Wisconsin, Parkside
What would make a nation give up its Internet domain? Could it be that television and the Internet are just not that central to Tuvaluan life?
Watching TV Poker
by: Mark Andrejevic / University of Iowa
Andrejevic considers the cultural logic of the recent surge in televised poker tourneys.
Redefining Indecency
by: John McMurria / DePaul University
Television networks fearful of steep fines and consumer backlash rush to ensure decency standards are upheld. This article looks at indecency in myriad of ways, from the Superbowl pre-game and half-time shows to the funeral of Coretta Scott King.
Do Good TV?
by: Laurie Ouellette / Queens College, CUNY
ABC’s programming shifts toward “do-good” reality shows. What can explain ABC’s foray into the helping culture?
TiVoing Childhood
by: Jason Mittell / Middlebury College
What is television to a child who only knows TiVo?