Editorial: Performing Politics
by: Nick Marx / FLOW Staff
Can Stephen Colbert bully Democrats back into power this midterm?
A Critical Forum on Media and Culture
A Critical Forum on Media and Culture
Editorial: Performing Politics
by: Nick Marx / FLOW Staff
Can Stephen Colbert bully Democrats back into power this midterm?
Welcome to Flow, Volume 5
by: Marnie Binfield and Matt Payne / FLOW Coordinating Editors
See what the new volume has in store.
How TV Met Narrative Sophistication
by: Craig Jacobsen / Mesa Community College
That atypical narrative strategies now appear, without fanfare, in successful if unremarkable mainstream broadcast shows demonstrates that television may be ready to fulfill its potential as a sophisticated narrative medium.
Redefining Television
by: Ray Cha / Independent Scholar
Advances in technology require new uses of old phrases.
Wall to Wall
by: Alan McKee / Queensland University of Technology
Why would hundreds of millions of people around the world watch Dallas? What strange hypnotism could it exude? It must, of course, be an expression of the unfettered power of America to impose its own culture on that of other countries. What other reason could there be for its success?
Awaken the Giant Within — He’s Hungry!:
Anthony Robbins and the Enterprising Self
by: Gareth Palmer / University of Salford
An investigation of Robbins’ human potential movement and how it is perfectly aligned with the project of governmental self-formation to shape our conduct in ways that match those of dominant authorities and agencies.
Special Features on Flow Needs You!
by: Jean Lauer and Special Features Editors
Do you have ideas to share with the readers of Flow? Flow’s 5th Volume is here, and we’re always looking for the next Special Feature.
How to Contribute to the Journal: 1) Submit or pitch an article to Over*Flow Flow formally invites contributions to our new space for responses to breaking TV and media news: Over*Flow. This new feature allows time-sensitive, one-off pieces to be published on our homepage alongside our monthly columns. For more information, check out the CFP. 2) Become a columnist To be […]
Read moreThe Best of Television: The Inaugural Flow Critics’ Poll
by: Jason Mittell / Middlebury College
And the winner is…
Wasn’t That Show Cancelled? – The Increasing DVD Phenomenon
by: Nichola Dobson / Independent Scholar
The expectation seems to be emerging that at the end of any series, or season, the show will be distributed and sold on DVD.
Reality TV Is Undemocratic
by: Mark Andrejevic / University of Iowa
In its broadest sense, the term “democratic” is invoked to indicate that the public has been given a choice of some sort, or even more generally that it has been provided with the opportunity to “participate.” Are the limited forms of engagement that Reality TV provides truly “democratic”?