Glimpsing Utopia on Lost

by: Tim Gibson / George Mason University
What I felt in my bones when I watched this particular episode of Lost was a yearning for the collective life of the castaways. Whatever else happens, these people are in it together. When times are bad, they are bad for everyone. When times are good—like when Hurley liberates the
hatch’s food—they’re good for one and all alike.

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The Edwardian Country House: An Exegesis

by: Alan McKee / Queensland University of Technology
In the 2002 British reality series The Edwardian Country House 21 people live just as they would have done in the first decade of the twentieth century. Six of them take the role of the family who own the house, while fifteen take the role of the servants. And they live those Edwardian lives – strictly – for three months.

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