Reading Sarah Palin
Rule 34 and Epic Raids: Sarah Palin as a Victim of Internet Pranksterism
Daniel Metz / University of Texas – Austin
A Girl and a Gun: Photoshop Fakes Sarah Palin
Patrick Kinsman / IUPUI
In the Feminine Ideal, We Trust
Janet McCabe / Manchester Metropolitan University
Palin’s State
John Streamas / Washington State University
Sarah Palin: Castration as Plenitude
Nina Power / Roehampton University
A Politically Unbiased Report on the Satirization of “Jesus Freak” Sarah Palin and Her Hillbilly Family
Eric Shouse/East Carolina University
Even Mud Has The Illusion of Depth: A McLuhanesque Reading of Sarah Palin
Ann McKinnon / Okanagen College
Europe Signals its Concerns with Sarah: Experience, Education, and Etiquette
M.Patrick Cullinane / University College Cork
The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and the Meta-Silly Season in Politics: Agenda Setting in the Contemporary Media Environment
Jennifer Brundidge / University of Texas – Austin
Requiem for a “King”: Something about Bernie
Bambi Haggins / University of Michigan
An analysis and tribute to the late great Bernie Mac.
Read moreDreadful Locks: Shear Genius and the Limits of Multiculturalism
Jennifer Fuller / University of Texas – Austin
Critically examining multiculturalism on Bravo’s reality television program Shear Genius
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