How to Contribute to the Journal:

1) Submit an article to Over*Flow

Flow invites contributions to our new space for responses to breaking TV and media news: Over*Flow. This feature allows time-sensitive, one-off pieces to be published on our homepage alongside our monthly columns. To be considered for Over*Flow, please submit completed short essays (of 1,000-1,500 words, along with at least three images (.png), video, and/or new media files (GIFs, etc.) and image/media credits), and a short bio, to Submissions will be considered on a rolling basis.

2) Read, Tweet, and comment

Because Flow‘s mission is to foster an ongoing conversation about television and media culture, the most important (and easy!) way for our readers to contribute to the journal is by engaging our columnists and the broader public in the comments section of each piece or via Twitter using the current volume’s hashtag: #FlowJournal29.

3) Respond to CFPs for special issues

Please see our Current Calls section for more information.