If We Are So Smart….
by: Frederick Wasser / Brooklyn College
How can media studies address television’s impact on contemporary politics? A further consideration of the political economy/cultural studies debate.
A Critical Forum on Media and Culture
A Critical Forum on Media and Culture
If We Are So Smart….
by: Frederick Wasser / Brooklyn College
How can media studies address television’s impact on contemporary politics? A further consideration of the political economy/cultural studies debate.
Copps’s Hypothesis: Indecency and Media Ownership
by: Frederick Wasser / Brooklyn College
Wasser considers a hypothesis of FCC commissioner Michael Copps: is there a relationship between media deregulation and vulgar programming?
Why Media Scholars Should Write Corporate Histories
by: Frederick Wasser / Brooklyn College
Several trade publications have received notices that last month was the tenth anniversary of the launch of WB and UPN, the fifth and sixth broadcast TV networks, dubbed by the trades in their argot as “weblets.”
Fairness Doctrine Now! Will it really hush Rush?
by: Frederick Wasser / Brooklyn College
We cannot blame this one on the media. There was no spin, no agenda setting, and no spiral of silence powerful enough to excuse the electorate.
Political Polarization and the New Hollywood Blockbuster
by: Frederick Wasser / Brooklyn College CUNY
The connection between politics and movies is continuous and yet murky…