In an effort to present news and relevant items of interest beyond our regular columns, the editors of Flow use this feature as a place where updates can occur beyond our normal publishing schedule every other week.
From Screening the Past:
“… we invited about 300 colleagues around Australia and the world to nominate the most important contributions to the field in the past decade – books, articles, reports, conferences, archival work, DVD reissues or commentaries, documentaries, online material, software – anything, not limited to any particular source, certainly not STP. We advised invitees that “…Screening the Past is a journal of screen history in a broad and inclusive sense, not narrowly a film history journal,” and, “While our invitation casually refers to ‘the field’, ‘area’, ‘discipline’ or what not, we have carefully avoided specifying what that ‘field’ might consist of and what its parameters might be. That is one of the things we are hoping your submissions will tell us.”
We’re very pleased to see that Flow made the list!
Full details are available here.
Please feel free to comment.
Thanks a lot. It would be a great thing for us.